One of “the best commencement speeches ever”
— National Public Radio
Inspire new thinking with these videos.
Remake the frontier in little ways.
National Public Radio named this one of “the best commencement speeches ever.” Seven guidelines to live by:
Be uncomfortable.
Open doors.
Empathize with strangers.
Try new things out.
Seek serendipity.
Take chances with new friends.
Pay it forward to people you don’t know.
Recognize the heroism happening every day.
Join Victor on a road trip through America’s Heartland to meet entrepreneurs and innovators. It’s the first in a series of six videos. Learn about the hidden heroism happening in communities everywhere.
Break barriers for those who strive.
Barriers are often the invisible stuff. The little things add up. Entrepreneurs don’t die from one blow of a hammer. They usually die deaths of a million cuts.
Discover the modern way to create wealth.
There’s a new way to spin gold. It comes from people working in certain ways together. Innovation thrives in ecosystems where people collaborate, ideas flow, and value grows. (TEDx University of Nevada)
Remember: all of us matter.
Each month only 3 people out of 1,000 start a business. But what’s the role of the other 997 people? The latest science shows that the success of the 3 depend a lot on what the 997 do. So when it comes to driving entrepreneurship and innovation, all of us matter. (TEDx Augusta)